Accountability is My Friend

I don’t know about you, but I work better with some accountability in my life.

One of the best things that happened to me is that my sister and I, who are “friends” on the YouVersion Bible app, have been inviting each other to partner up and read the same daily devotionals. At some point during the day, we each read the devotion and accompanying Scriptures, and then we make a comment – just a sentence or two about what we think about what we read. I find that it’s motivating me to stay consistent with my devotions, and I look forward each day to seeing what my sister has entered as her response to the devotion.

We’ve done the same thing with MyFitnessPal – we log our info and then when we see each other’s updates, we give a thumbs up or a word of encouragement/celebration. It really HELPS to know that I’m “in it” with someone else. Now, that doesn’t mean that my husband doesn’t hold me accountable, too… recently I told him that I was fasting for dinner and so he ordered himself a pizza – meatball and onion, knowing that I don’t like onions. However, when he came home with the fresh, hot delicious-smelling pizza, I grabbed a knife and moved toward the pizza box. He said “wait, I thought you told me that you weren’t eating tonight? You won’t like it, anyway, it has onions…”, and I promptly replied that I was just going to have a small piece and pick them off. He said “NO! Your sister won’t be happy with you if you do!”. So, he gets me… and I poured myself a glass of water and sat back down at the table. And you know what? I am not hungry – I didn’t even NEED to eat it, I just THOUGHT I wanted it… 😊

Let us know how having an accountability partner has helped you!

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