10 Great Ways to Get Motivated for a Gym Workout

Sometimes (err… often?) I just don’t feel like going to the gym. So how to get myself mentally and physically “ready”?

Of course, there is the “just do it” mentality which is of little use if you can’t get yourself to “just do it”!  So here are some strategies which I have used to “get me going” at various times:

  1. Get a new gym outfit (find something that you FEEL good in to present yourself as confidently as possible regardless of your fitness level).
  2. Get some workout gloves to save your hands and help you “look” like you know what you are doing. Here’s a pair that comes in several colors and is sure to give you a dose of confidence: Weightlifting Gym Workout Gloves.
  3. Put on some great motivational music in your Apple Airpods (take your pick of Christian, rock, country, jazz, etc.) as often the generic gym music may not do it for you.  I have even found motivation in listening to motivational or Christian speakers while working out to keep my mind engaged in something!
  4. Find a sister/cousin or friend to go with you to work out with! Partner up!
  5. If you are healthy with no restrictions, how about a cup of coffee? Possibly some type of energy drink (GULP) be careful with that and check with your doctor.
  6. Likewise, potentially using of some type of pre-workout mix will get you going (again check ingredients for overdoses of caffeine or other supplements which may be detrimental).
  7. Set a certain time to work out that fits your lifestyle and commitments and put it on your calendar. Making exercise a regular habit will soon make it routine.
  8. Find an interesting workout routine that looks do-able for your age and fitness stage online and bring it to the gym, so you have something to follow.
  9. Start small, tell yourself to just do SOMETHING once you get to the gym and gradually increase your exercises as you get stronger and more confident.
  10. Reflect on your “why”. What is the reason you keep coming back to this goal? Think often of the benefits and where you WANT yourself to be, and then go after it!

It is true that everyone is different, and all these techniques will not work for some, but it is likely that some will greatly assist! Be patient with yourself and flexible as hinderances arise. Bottom line – keep on trying!

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